Due Diligence

With the legal inflation nowadays it is not easy to invest in a country without having experts that can help you to legally conduct your projects.
We handle legal due diligence on behalf of our clients to help them manage the risks of the activities they intend to settle in Cameroon.
Our Approach
under under due diligence we perform on behalf of our clients, we help them to be in conformity with the Cameroonian legal system and to avoid their activities being declared null and void.
Matters We Handle, Legal Fees — and Your Next Steps
As you know, there are many sectors that are specially regulated, and for which special formalities are required.
- Breach of contract
- Breach of fiduciary duty
- Business torts
- Deceptive trade practices
- Covenants not to compete
- Partnership disputes
- Unfair competition
- Fraud
- Fraudulent transfer, and
- Tortious interference.
Legal Guidance Customized for Your Business Needs
- We help our clients to avoid great losses and to cut down the risks of their transactions.
Our contacts:
Tel: (237)97 27 32 04 / (237) 77 39 25 08