Criminal Law

Our Law Firm offers quality services in Criminal Law. We have the necessary expertise to assist our clients in criminal matters.
In Cameroon a good number of texts regulate criminal offenses, and cannot be enumerated here. The main texts are the Penal Code, the Criminal Procedure Code and the various offenses contained in the different OHADA Uniform Acts.
Our Approach to Disputes
On behalf of our clients, we offer various services:
- Assistance and representation in court with respect to criminal matters;
- Drafting of complaints at the Judicial Police or at the level of the Legal Department;
- Follow-up of procedures against scammers in Cameroon;
Matters We Handle, Legal Fees — and Your Next Steps
- Investigations on the existence of contracting companies prior to any business transactions in Cameroon;
- General investigations prior to any business transactions in Cameroon;
- Breach of contract
- Breach of fiduciary duty
- Business torts
- Deceptive trade practices
- Covenants not to compete
- Partnership disputes
- Unfair competition
- Fraud
- Fraudulent transfer, and
- Tortious interference.
- Due diligence;
- Recovery through criminal procedures;
Legal Guidance Customized for Your Business Needs
Counselling on the criminal risk of business transactions.